Virtual Trunk Show to Support Toni Randall of Whimsy & Grace

We have all had rough patches in our lives, we have all had ups and downs, and everything in between. Sometimes we are shaken to the core and other times we just get off our knees and jump in where we can…today is one of those days.
As many of you have heard, one of our beloved designers, Toni Randall (Whimsy & Grace), lost everything in a forest fire spreading through Oregon. She was given no warning but by a bang on her door from a neighbor. And, when we say, she lost everything — all her memories, all her models of her designs and all her inventory, if not already in route somewhere, was taken in the fire. She grabbed her dog, her car keys, her computer, and left. No extra clothing, no special tokens. She made it through with the help of her family and neighbors. Today she simply has no choice but to start from scratch.
This is where we, as a needlepoint community, come in. Many stores across the country have found a way to help Toni rebuild and honor her designs at the same time. Some of us were supposed to have had her trunk show in our stores within the next few weeks, or months. Obviously, this won’t happen. However, while thinking about what to do, we decided that we could open it up to all shops who wanted to participate and do a huge virtual show featuring Whimsy & Grace!
As a result of our dedication, and our coming together as a community, we are honored to host the Virtual Needlepoint Show of Whismy & Grace designs at The Needle Works.
The show starts for us on 9/22 and goes through 9/30.
This show is not like other shows as we do not have physical stock (for those that are not familiar with virtual trunk shows). Plus, we have dedicated to offer our proceeds from Whismy & Grace to Toni so she can rebuild quickly and effectively!
How a Virtual Show works:
- You go online to the designer:
- You write down what you are interested in, ensuring you have as many details as possible.
- You call us or email us with a model number and description. (512-451-6931)
- We will give you a price before you make your decision.
- All special orders are paid in full at the time of purchase.
Please note, it is understood that there will be a wait for these canvases, as they most likely are already in order to be painted. We will do our best to ensure you get your canvases in a timely matter and it will be first-come, first-served.
We hope you will join us on this mission, whether it be something that has been on your wishlist for a long time, or whether it be a simple scissor case or ornament. Her designs are elegant, tailored, and timeless. Give us a call or email us if you have any questions about how you can help us support Toni: 512-451-6931. Thank you so much!